The last thing I wrote was nearly five years ago.
There are many reasons why. Partly due to a change in employment, partly due to a change in habits, and partly due to a change in relationships. All of that aside, I still enjoy writing and will continue to do so, just in another place.
Here’s the boring part; I was running two sites, and neither one of them were getting the attention they deserved. New Sanctuary was originally devised as a gaming diary, a place where I can talk about what I’ve been playing lately. Then, I got delusions of grandeur and thought I could turn it into a gaming news site. That was a fool’s errand. During that time, I had started up another site solely dedicated to a single thing, Star Wars games. That site also didn’t quite turn out the way I was hoping it would, but here we are.
As part of my plans in 2020 to start writing again, I am consolidating down to one site, The Trench Run. That is where all of my writing will be from this post on. I will be leaving this site up and readable in its current form for as long as I’m able to.